Your Lifestyle Photographer

Thank you for your interest in Pang's Photography! Allow me to introduce myself.

Hi! I'm Pang. That's not a name that you'll hear often around these parts, but that makes it easier for me to stand out. ;) I'm the youngest of 5 children, married to my best friend, and have 3 beautiful children (pictured above). My family and I reside in Central Florida where we live up to most country songs. Everybody knows everybody. Everybody calls you friend. You don't need an invitation. Kick off your shoes and come on in. We know how to work and we know how to play... you get the gist. 

My love for photography began as a mom's desperate attempt to freeze time. I didn't want to forget anything. The chubby cheeks, the missing teeth, achievements, etc... I wanted to freeze ALL the moments. So I took up photography as a hobby and it quickly became an obsession.

I'm also a full-time network admin and my interest in technology has always been advantageous to my love of photography. Naturally, my creative side wanted to be fed as well which led me to dive headfirst into this business. Inevitably, with lots of learning and practice, I became a self-taught photographer.

I'm so delighted that you're considering me for your photography needs! Please feel free to shoot me an email if you have any questions!

"If y’all are overdue on some family pics look no further!!! If you’re anything like my family I put family pictures off because I think it’s just one more thing I have to do.. find outfits, a date, convince my husband it will be fun. This was by far the most easy process ever!! Super quick, kids had a blast and the pictures turned out great and it was affordable!!! Contact Pang's Photography !"

-Whitney Schroeder